From GiroStaff we can supply our customers all kinds of support services for their business. Our final objective for the client is to reduce costs to the maximum and obtain the same service as if they had their team internally, being the company well advised at all times and with all guarantees.
We design and implement an analytical and personalized accounting plan that allows you to interpret properly the evolution and economic and financial situation of the company, in order to be useful for taking correct decisions. In addition, we advise on the proper registering of transactions and compliance with the current legislation.
We can offer our clients a wide variety of services, which start from the implementation of the accounting system to the maintenance of their registry and preparation of dossiers.
Among our services we emphasize:
- Monitoring and control of accounting
- Preparation and Analysis of Results
- Design of analytical accounting system
- Control of unpaid / Risk Management of customers
- Financial foresight
- Bank Negotiations
In addition, we advise your company on the practical work (payroll preparation, contribution forms, Social Security Registrations, etc.), and provide continuous information about new regulations.
- Recruitment
- Preparation of payroll / Statistical Summary
- Advice on contracts (bonuses, subsidies, etc.)
- Reports of wage costs